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Rezultate 1 - 20 din aproximativ 27
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Limba sursă
Engleză Make the bed.
Every morning, I wake up and make my bed
To make the bed = straighten out the sheets / bedcovers

Traduceri completate
Norvegiană Hver morgon vaknar eg opp og gjør min seng.
Daneză Hver morgen vÃ¥gner jeg op og reder min seng.
Limba sursă
Engleză Which car did you buy?
Which car did you buy?
translate into Bokmål

Traduceri completate
Norvegiană Hvilken bil har du kjøpt?
Limba sursă
Engleză How may I help you?
How may I help you?
translate into Bokmål

Traduceri completate
Norvegiană Hvordan kan jeg hjelpe deg?
Limba sursă
Engleză Your wish is my command. I shall do your bidding.
Your wish is my command. I shall do your bidding.
Translate these into Bokmål, please. I would appreciate for only a native Norwegian speaker to translate them. I wish for this to be a formal equivalence translation, so be as literal as possible within the bounds of comfort.

Traduceri completate
Norvegiană Ditt ønske er min vilje
Limba sursă
Engleză I made a loaf of rye bread
I made a loaf of rye bread
Do I use gjorde or laget?

Traduceri completate
Norvegiană Jeg laget et brød av rug.
Limba sursă
Engleză I weigh too much. I need to eat healthier foods.
I weigh too much. I need to eat healthier foods.
Please translate into Bokmål. I am not fat or heavy, and I only formed the statements with me as the subject so that I could avoid it being interpreted as an insulting comment!

Traduceri completate
Norvegiană Jeg veier for mye. Jeg mÃ¥ spise sunnere mat.
Limba sursă
Engleză I may arrive late to the meeting today
I may arrive late to the meeting today
I may/might arrive late

Traduceri completate
Norvegiană Det kan hende
Limba sursă
Engleză The volcano may erupt soon
The volcano may erupt soon
it may/might erupt

Traduceri completate
Norvegiană Vulkanen kan ha utbrudd snart.
Limba sursă
Engleză Buying clothes
I need to buy at least 5 changes of clothes, but I have no money left
Please translate into Bokmål

Traduceri completate
Norvegiană Kjøpe klær.
Limba sursă
Engleză The concept of race
The concept of race is a construct of society that classifies people groups through shared physical looks. But mere outside look is limited in the reach to which it can describe a person. The color of the skin hides the true quality of the soul, while belief and behavior cannot be measured by the shape of a face.
Please translate literally - no exceptions for awkward expression.

Traduceri completate
Islandeză Hugtakið kynþáttur
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